Measure R - La Honda Pescadero Schools Improvement & Modernization Bond
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On August 11, 2022 the La Honda Pescadero Unified School District's Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve ballot language for a $15M facilities improvement bond for the November 8, 2022 ballot. This website is intended to provide information on Measure R, including an archive of related reports and other documents.
What Is Measure R?
Measure R is a $15,000,000 general obligation bond that, if secured, will finance multiple facility improvements for Pescadero & La Honda schools.
A YES vote means the school district will issue $15,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates. As portions of the bond are used, property owners inside the district will see a property tax increase of no more than $.06 per $100 of assessed valuation .
A NO vote means the school board must wait until March 2024 for a new ballot measure and then wait again as that ballot measure is approved and government funds distributed. This may mean years of waiting before improvements can begin.
Student Achievement
Your support is making a difference.
LHPUSD maintained student achievement despite a crippling pandemic. Trimester 1 testing reveals that LHPUSD growth outpaces that of the rest of San Mateo County. California has delayed publishing scores state-wide, but specifics will be made available here when public release is approved.
Let’s build on this success with Measure R.
Improvement Plans & Funding
Since 2006, we’ve rebuilt our La Honda Elementary school campus, relocated our district kitchen and district office, repaired and replaced leaking roofs, modernized our early learning building, and established outdoor classrooms.
In August, 2022 the district allocated funding for a facilities assessment and requested proposals from reputable school development firms. The outcome of this assessment outlined critical updates and modernization recommendations at all three campuses.
In September 2022, the district partnered with King Consulting, an experienced California school facility planning firm, who will help us discover, apply for, and secure additional State & Federal funding.
Funding Mix

Our Schools Are Essential Community Spaces
As our community evacuation site, our middle and high schools offer shelter and safety in times of need.
During COVID, our high school campus offered direct access to testing and vaccine services otherwise only accessible from distant locations..
Our two elementary schools provide valued space for community meetings and events.
A haven for sports & play, our campuses provide community access to little league & soccer fields, open gyms, and tennis courts.
Our high school is the primary polling location in our rural area.
Student Achievement Resources
California Assessment of Student Progress - coming soon
North-West Evaluation Association (NWEA) - coming soon
Measure R Bond Resources
Get Involved
LHPUSD is seeking members to join the Measure R - Citizens’ Oversight Committee (COC). The COC will advise the Board of Trustees on project priorities, give voice to community members, and enhance project transparency and accountability. The COC will review the annual independent audits, make physical inspections of bond program projects during construction, review related District documents to gather information for the preparation of reports to the community, and report to the School Board quarterly on the activities of the committee. The COC will meet quarterly at a minimum. Members must be able to serve up to a two-year term. To join send an email to